2011 Recipients
- Joint CGRG and AAG-GSG/COMA sponsored session in honour of coastal geomorphologist, Robin Davidson-Arnott at the AAG 2011.Casey O’Laughlin, St. Mary’s University, Halifax. “Spring-neap variations in intertidal hydrodynamics and sedimentation in the Bay of Fundy“.
- Coherent Flow Structures in Geophysical Flows at the Earth’s Surface II conference at SFU, Burnaby, 2-6 August, 2011. Jessica Zinger, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (with B. Rhoads and J. Best) for her poster entitled, “Coherent Flow Structure and Morphodynamics of Chute Cutoffs on a Large Meandering River“.
- geoHydro 2011 in Quebec City, August 29-31, 2011. Etienne Dagenais du Fort, Université Laval (with P. Lajeunesse and L. Fillon) for his poster, “Dendrogeomorphologie et dynamique d’un glissement pelliculaire dans la Reserve faunique des Laurentides, Charlevoix, Quebec“.
2008 Recipients
- Programme du XIième congrès quadriannuel de l’Association québécoise pour l’étude du Quaternaire. Baie-Comeau, Quebec. 19 au 22 août, 2008. Étienne Bachand, UQAR, (avec P. Bernatchez, et D. Arsenault) “Developpement d’une méthode de datation dendrochronologique des mouvements de masse en milieu côtier“.